Friday, April 24, 2009

More News on Bologna

On the eve of the Ministerial Bologna Conference, as well a counter conference organized by groups opposing Bologna -- four new releases...

First, a new Eurobarometer survey of over 15,000 university students from all 27 EU member states (plus Norway, Iceland, Croatia and Turkey). This is a rare opportunity to assess students' views and experiences with higher education.

The objectives of this special target survey were:
  • to identify opinions about access and equity in the higher education system
  • to identify the purposes of higher education according to students within the system
  • to assess opinions on the quality and transparency of the higher education institutions (HEIs)
  • to identify students’ plans for - and obstacles to - studying abroad
  • to discuss issues such as recognition of short study periods abroad and ECTS credit points
  • to identify opinions about the greater cooperation of universities and businesses, and the need
  • to foster an entrepreneurship mindset as part of higher education programmes
  • to identify the post-graduation plans of Bachelor and Masters level students.
Second, the European University Association recently published a Survey of European Masters Degrees after ten years of the Bologna Process. If you're interested in building partnerships with European universities, you'll want to read this.

Third, the Institute for International Education published results from a survey of US Universities' response to 3-year Bologna-Compliant degrees.

Finally, the Economist published a brief essay called Bolognese Sauce which provides a fairly pessimistic view of the future of European higher education. One cause for concern -- European countries still struggle to meet target spending (as a percent of GDP) in higher education.

Take a look at the article, and the comments that follow.

The graph below illustrates: