Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Reading

In the dog days of summer -- I'm reading two books I can't put down.

The first, is Cognitive Surplus, by Clay Sharky.  This blurb from the publisher provides a helpful summary:
The author of the breakout hit Here Comes Everybody reveals how new technology is changing us from consumers to collaborators, unleashing a torrent of creative production that will transform our world.
This is a short, practical book, and I recommend it to anyone involved in teaching or learning.

The second, is a novel by Marlene Van Niekerk, called Agaat.  Whenever I travel, I try to read works of fiction by local writers.  I chose this book for my recent trip to South Africa.  This is a beautiful and painful story.  It offers great insight into race and gender relations -- in South Africa and through out the world.