Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Irish: Training the Next Generation of Scientists

Since I'll spend June in Ireland this summer - co-leading a study abroad program - I've been following events and opinions in the media.

Today's Irish Times includes an interview with technology business leaders. If current trends hold, Ireland will prepare far fewer qualified scientists, engineers and mathematicians than needed by its employers. (Of course, we face a similar predicament in the US).

The Times asked several business leaders how they would address this problem.

Dr. Kevin Marshall -- Head of Education for Microsoft Ireland -- starts the conversation below:

The problems and issues that we face as a business are multidisciplinary and open-ended. Communication, teamwork, flexibility, the ability to work across boundaries, and taking account of cultural sensitivities are all very important, and as new technology emerges, we have to be agile and think globally.
The business leaders interviewed do not agree on all points, their comments are worth reading.