Monday, March 22, 2010

Rural Haiti Struggles Following Earthquake

This Wednesday we're co-hosting a campus-wide lecture on the challenges of aid and reconstruction following the devastating earthquake in Haiti.

Much of the world's attention today is on health care reform legislation in the US.  Though it no longer occupies headlines, Haiti still struggles in the aftermath of January disaster.

Three different stories come to mind.

First, this article describes how rural communities in Haiti struggle to absorb city populations displaced by the earthquake.

Second, yesterday's  60 Minutes on CBS followed the efforts (and grief) of a few Haitian volunteers.

These stories remind me of an excellent book by Tracy Kidder, called Mountains Beyond Mountains.  This book tells the story of Dr. Paul Farmer, his visionary work on health and health care in Haiti, which has developed into Partners in Health.  I highly recommend the book -- and Dr. Farmer's work.

At Wednesday's campus lecture, I'm sure we'll hear even more challenging stories about the struggle in Haiti.